So... Slight update: Since my last comment on the situation (and my PM to Mr. Fulp), the account has added some playlists. That they have not rated anything or added a single favorite submission is still odd.
Might be a real person, might not be. Time will tell, I suppose...
I'll leave my initial comment unedited for posterity. When I'm being a dick to other people I like there to be evidence. ;)
Good catch, BlueCometDude!
I wrote as PM reporting the user to Mr. Fulp.
In the future you could do it yourself, in order to save time. Mr. Fulp is very approachable, kind, and always happy to hear from people who care for Newgrounds. :)
I have seen accounts like that in the past: Zero interactions with the site aside from collecting a huge list of names in a short time. Most likely some sort of automated crawler that followed every account who showed irrefutable signs of activity.
And if somebody wants 6 "free fans": I know 6 people who will follow _anybody_ back - even a bot... ;p